Have you all been happily 'tilt-shifting' left, right and centre since Kirsty's post last week? Fun isn't it?
Well, since then, RosieBird one of our lovely loyal readers nominated us for one of these:

It sounded like a true Copy+Paste idea ... so I read on ... In her post - titled 'Add Some Music To Your Day' she wrote:
"For me, lyrics don't have to make sense, or tell a story, but they should seem like they do".
And I began to think about songs which stir up stories in me then, when she concluded her post by saying that she felt like she should make some art journaling pages featuring some of her favourite lyrics ... I knew what I had to do!
So ....
*Copy* = in response to Rosie's prompt and Thistle &Weeds by Mumford & Sons:
*Paste* = I made this:
Because, if it's inspirational lyrics you're after ... then seek ye no more ...
"Plant your hopes with good seeds ..."
"Don't cover yourself with thistle and weeds."Just a few simple words containing something of a huge life lesson ...
Give yourself a chance. Nurture your dreams:
And whatever you do ... don't self-sabotage:
Be kind to yourself.
Well ... that's my interpretation anyway ...
The lyrics may not mean anything to you. And they mean mean something entirely different. It's like Rosie said:
"For me, lyrics don't have to make sense, or tell a story, but they should seem like they do".
My pages are about what Mumford & Sons seem to be saying to me. It's my story ...
...and I'm sticking to it.
For more interesting lyrics, visit Rosie's original post.
Thanks again Rosie.
We're always interested in hearing from our readers and have a guest Copier+Paster coming soon who's also a reader. Be careful what you say if you're on Twitter as that's where I recruited her after having an idea related to something she'd tweeted! My username is @notesonpaper if you want to come and say 'Hello'.
Other than that, you can leave comments, links, emails or shout really loud ... if you have anything you want to share!
I'll see you soon.
Julie :-)
Oooh now then - I've had an idea for a journal page fizzling away in my noggin' for about a week now. Methinks song lyrics is what it needed. Definitely will be having a play with this one.
Gorgeous, gorgeous pages Julie. Off to check out Rosie's now ;)
Stunning pages Julie! I love the idea of using song lyrics.. hmmmm, you got me thinking now.. could tie in with a tilt-shift piccie I just had a go at! :)
ooooh, I think I want to use this song....thanks Julie
Hi Julie,
So glad my post inspired such a fantastic copy+paste. Now I definitely have to do my own.
this is gorgeous! I love mumford and sons!
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