If you haven't already read the guest post from artist Dina Wakley then hop back a post and then come back once you've discovered exactly why she's someone who's worth taking your inspiration from!
Have you read it now? Good ... because here's my take on some of her techniques.....
Now, as Harrogate is significantly closer to my home than Arizona where Dina regularly teaches so it was an opportunity which I could not allow to escape:I'd also mentioned the class to my friend Helen who pretty much made it a pre-requisite of our continuing relationship that I MUST attend and tell her all about it! So I did!
The tiny photo on the tag below shows the A3 sheet upon which, under Dina's tutelage I explored various layering techniques using texture paste, string, acrylic paint, paper scraps and spray inks: Once dry, we cut into the sheet and folded it [sorry - I can't remember how it was done now - it was a bit origami-esque and baffled me even at the time!] and it formed the basic shape for this little book:
I used a blanket stitch around the free edges to prevent it unfolding .. and because it looks nice:
Overall this workshop was truly worthwhile in two particular ways.
1. In a very creative and practical way I learned new techniques and used some products for the first time. 2. I love few things more than watching an inspirational, intuitive, natural teacher at work. Throughout my working life I've had the privilege to watch many of them at work and Dina is most certainly amongst the most impressive.
You know how some people not only make the task in hand look easy but they make you think you can do it just as well as they can? Well, that's what characterised the workshop for me.
I wonder if maybe I've got a bit of a way to go about throwing myself full-on into using the inks though. As much as I love the effect they give ... I'm not so keen on the stained hands. I remember that, when the class was finished and we were tidying-up someone commented that I'd kept my hands nice and clean - yet to me they looked like I'd had a terrible food-colouring accident!
.... sometimes it's worth packing that craft bag, finding your house keys and heading out to be with others, to learn new techniques, to laugh and drink tea with likeminded people and to, every now and again, grab the opportunity to meet someone like Dina Wakley.
I'd love to hear stories of classes which have made a lasting impression on you. Feel free to share them and to link us to any work you've produced inspired by Dina and other inspirational teachers.
Thanks for reading,
I've never been to an art class, but my first visit to my local scrapbooking club opened my eyes to a whole new world. I'd love to try some of Dina's techniques though, they're beautiful. And so is your mini! :)
This is stunning, Julie!! Love it!
Hi nice reading yourr post
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