To leave you in no doubt about the enthusiasm and general loveliness of The Green Gal's Gabrielle Treanor, her email containing this post started with the words, ‘ooh, I enjoyed making this!’. She might be quite new to the whole crafting thing, but is no less talented for it, and I’m having a ball following along, both on her blog and in real life.
We asked her to make us something pretty for the party, and tell us the story behind it.
My name is Gabrielle, I live in a little cottage in a little village in Surrey, England, with my husband and a little dog called Georgie. I've enjoyed making things since childhood but only in the last few months have I realised that it's what I enjoy doing most of all. So, with this realisation I've been experimenting with different styles, trying out different sewing techniques and making lots of different things. Next month I'm going to start selling my handmade goods online, a big step for me!
Through my experimentation I've discovered I love bunting! I love to make it and to see it hung up. Bunting can make any place look that little bit more lovely, whether it's in the garden, kitchen, bedroom – really anywhere! I think no party should be without bunting but it's also a little bit of beauty to have decorating your home all the year round.
The relatively new attitude of binning an item of clothing after two wears, or replacing something because it's no longer the height of fashion or out of sheer boredom is something which would horrify my grandparents, and one which I can't really adopt. I love finding old items to give new life to or just use as they are, so much in fact that in February I decided I would not buy any new clothes for the next year! Only 'preloved' clothes or, deep intake of breath, items I've made myself can be added to my wardrobe. So far I've found some gorgeous items in charity shops and I have plans to make a summer dress…

1. Lovely old Singer sewing machine, 2. Vintage threads&wool 2, 3. Tea time vintage style, 4. Vintage suitcases and Brownie camera, 5. Green cord blazer, 6. Birthday muffins

So, with Anne as my inspiration and in celebration of Copy + Paste's first birthday I have made a length of bunting using vintage fabrics and lace. Usually my lengths of bunting include eight flags but the lace ribbon I had was a little short, once doubled up, so I've gone with six flags instead. The bunting is double-sided so can be strung across a room at C+P's party or perhaps in the garden, as I've photographed!

I'm not sure if Anne ever made bunting but I'm sure she'd approve of it, as she says: "One can dream so much better in a room where there are pretty things."
Happy birthday, Copy + Paste!
Adorable, yes? If you’d like some equally-lovely bunting to decorate your own house, garden or birthday bash, head on over to Gabrielle’s blog, The Green Gal, where she’s giving away the pretty garland below.

As well as keeping up with her adventures in sewing, baking, thrifting, veggie-growing, it’ll also keep you posted on the launch date for her handmade-goods business next month.
Thanks so much, Gabrielle – we love you!
I love anne of Green Gables too. I can't think of it without crying! Love the bunting.
I've been coming across Gabrielle every so often via Twitter and Flickr and I'm so pleased to have read through this post. We truly share a love of old, beautiful things and I feel so inspired!
I think my Green Gable movies are still packed, I might have the...yes, I just found my two books! I have found over the last year or so that I love bunting too.
I love Green gables too :) and love the sound of your blog but I can't get it to load. I'll check it again tomorrow
Hi Sian, I'm so sorry, I've jsut discovered that my typepad blog has a problem in Internet Explorer making the blog posts not show up until the bottom of the left column. It should work fine in Safari or Firefox so give it a go there.
I'm so glad you guys liked my post and are fans of Anne and bunting too!
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