As a wise, fictional cockney once said, 'small pleasures - who would deny us these?', and although there's probably inspiration enough in that scrap of Oliver!, it's not the one I've picked to use right now. Instead, the small pleasure that's provided our latest prompt is Post Secret.
Seeing the Post Secret digest pop up in my blog-reader on a Sunday morning is most definitely one of the aforementioned small pleasures and the combination of words and pictures which make up the postcards seemed a perfect leaping-off point for a Copy+Paste challenge.
For Julie and I, the big difference between our secrets and those shared on the original PS blog, is the lack of anonymity. It’s much trickier to bare your soul when people have some idea of who you are. For me, at least, it ruled out any kind of deep, dark secret (not that I have an especially murky or intriguing past) and steered me towards a more minor admission.
Was that a secret? Did you know? Could you have guessed?
My project is something of a double copy. While my content was indeed inspired by Post Secret [a site which I find absorbing and reassuringly human] the style in which I composed my confession was copied from this very cool, hand drawn magazine cover :
Seeing as how Adam and Joe make me laugh so very, very much I felt it fitted perfectly with the nature of my revelation.We promise - hand on heart, pinky-swear and everything - that, however blush-worthy they are, we won't tell a soul.