
Wednesday 1 July 2009

OK win.

Good morning. It's only 08.45 and yet I've been up over an hour and I've managed to write all the names of people who left comments on my giveaway post on scraps of paper and select six names at random and distribute the prizes accordingly!! Either this was a good start to what will be a very productive day .... or else I've peaked early and burnt myself out already. We'll see .....

In the meantime, here's how the fickle finger of fate decided things:
Clair[at]ObstinatePursuit: yellow brooch
Carmen: black brooch
Lisa: white brooch
polkadotsoup: tag book
digital misfit: tag book
Arianna: tag book

Please send your addresses to either:
thecopyandpasteproject[at] this doesn't seem to be working - so please use - nabview[@] OR
if you prefer, and are a Flickr member, you can send me a Flickr mail via my
'nabview' account.

Then sit back and await your delivery.

I wish I had something for all of you as I hate leaving people out [I guess that's what years of being chosen last at school does for you!!]. The least I can do to thank you all for playing along is to point you toward another giveaway on
Gauche Alchemy. This time it's a blue kit they're offering.

.....mmmm blue .....I like blue. My latest most favourite of favourite dresses is this one:

I really love it. The colour is painful in it's loveliness, it's pure silk yet was a £25.00 bargain: it's as near to perfect as a dress can get! Plus, I almost made it my response to Kirsty's 'Six Impossible Things' prompt as, when I'm wearing it, I feel so very, very much like Alice Through the Looking Glass.

Anyway...I'll love you and leave you ... .I think I can feel a blue based project coming on .....


  1. That is totally Alice! It's a gorgeous dress and I want it

  2. Is that me? Wow! Thank you :D I'll email you now. BTW I was always picked last... or even worse not at all if the numbers were odd... or worsest still made to partner the teacher. Aaaargh! Maybe we should start a club ;)

  3. That's a very cute dress. Sadly my knees have forbidden me to put them on display.
    Congrats to the winners!

  4. Oh, and now I've calmed down - and read this properly - I'm joining the club of people who were picked last at school. In fact, I've just blooged about my win and bad memories of rounders. How's that for random? :)

  5. I 'bloog' often. Oh gosh!

  6. OMG are you serious?!? Wow I'm really happy, thank you sooo much!
    This is my lucky day!!!
    Thanks a bunch!!!

  7. Hi Julie - my brooche arrived yesterday but couldn't get on to say thank you as OH had pinched my monitor as his lappy screen has died. Anyway... I LOVE IT! Thank you so much and yup - how can Alice fail to miss me now :P


Hi there fellow copy and pasters ...or should that be copiers and pasters ... or ... no, what we are basically trying to say is: "Hello. Thanks for leaving us a message"... or should that be "Hello. If you are *about to leave a message* thanks in advance" ??? Errr ... thanks ... for everything...