
Wednesday 22 September 2010

I've Been Copying: Haiku Hero

Hi, hi, hi.

Last week while on Twitter, I spotted a link to the online game 'Haiku Hero' and couldn't resist clicking through to see what kind of word challenge excitement awaited me ... and I've been playing it ever since!
There are 3 different levels in which you not only have to write a Haiku on the spot ... each individual game has rules in which you have to include specific words, words with certain number of syllables, words which rhyme ... and so on.

Perfect for a word-nerd who loves online games too!

When the round is over, you get to revisit the poems you wrote and you're given an opportunity to share them online: I decided to simply copy and paste mine into a Word document for safe-keeping ... rather than bombard my Twitter stream with the endless end results of my latest favourite time-waster!

And I'm pretty glad I kept them as, despite the initial terror at having to write poetry on cue - with a clock ticking down - I'm actually quite impressed by some of my efforts and decided to illustrate some of my favourites here.

The word I had to include in this one was 'broadcast' [a word which I can't imagine fitting into a haiku unless specifically asked!]:
In this one, it was 'tease': And finally, here it was 'apart':
So far, out of one free online game, I've had a lot of fun writing poetry to order .... followed by an interesting time finding photos on my hard-drive to fit in with my wording ... and I guess I could even keep going and print them off and have a crafty old time turning them into a 'Haiku Hero' mini-book!

If I can tear myself away from playing long enough that is!

Go on. Search for the Haiku Hero inside yourself ... then come right back here and link us up to your heroic efforts!

Julie :-)


  1. Oh no, I fear another addiction coming on - if I can tear myself away from Tetris Battle on Facebook for long enough that is ;)

    I can't see your last 'apart' picture but I'm loving the others. Especially broadcast! Ahahaha!

  2. Perfect for a non journaller ( is that a word? is journal a verb?) who has nothing to say!

  3. Brilliant! What a wordsmith ...


Hi there fellow copy and pasters ...or should that be copiers and pasters ... or ... no, what we are basically trying to say is: "Hello. Thanks for leaving us a message"... or should that be "Hello. If you are *about to leave a message* thanks in advance" ??? Errr ... thanks ... for everything...