
Wednesday 28 July 2010

I'd Like to Copy: The Little House on the Prairie

Hello, hello.

I want this dress:

[Click photo for direct link. Photo taken from La Redoute UK website].

It's casual. It's linen. It's grey.

It's so 'me' that it's silly to protest against the urge ...... except there a few reasons why it might not make it to my wardrobe:

1. It's been out of stock for weeks and I've just checked yet again ... and it's still not available:(
2. If it's ankle-length on that tall willowy model .... it might look more like a giant grey sleeping bag on my 5' 2" frame.

I could add that another reason for not getting it would be that it would likely make me look like an extra from The Little House on the Prairie:

Except ...that wouldn't actually be a deterrent ... I really wouldn't mind that!

A quick glance through some of the photos I took for my 'Year in Outfits' project in 2009 proves that I'm not averse to the odd shirt yoke:

.... flowery pinafore:....and pleated linen skirt: So, bring on new stock of the prairie girl look La Redoute! I'm waiting .... And if it does turn out to be far too long for me ... then you can just call me 'Half Pint' .... well, if Laura Ingalls didn't mind then who am I to argue?

Now, how could I leave without reminding you of this:

So, do you relate to my plain and simple prairie-girl yearnings ... or dare you admit to being more of a Nellie Oleson? Be honest now ....

Julie ;)


  1. i love La Redoute...

    I did one of those "il just add my new autumn wardrobe wants into the basket at Next and see how much it costs.." £280.....

    i dont have £2.80... so i can dream. Wishpot is a wonderful application!

    I love that dress also but im 6'0 tall and long pretty dress like that do not fit or suit!!

    Im having a giveaway of a cath kidston pencil case if you are interested!

  2. I Love La Redoute but only ever buy stuff when they send me the discount codes or oodles of freebies *g* Ended up with a winter jumper, a free summer jacket for my eldest and a skully t-shirt for her too for the grand sum of a fiver last time. Ohhh yes, loves 'em I do.

    I can see why you love the dress. I can also see it's very you. I can also see what you mean about the height thing (though she might be a shortie too?) I have the opposite trouble. Nearly 6' tall and a poodger poodger. I'd look like a sack tied up in the middle.

    I love Sarah in the Labyrinth. I have pined for her shirt since I was a teen. It's sort of moved on a bit but I still love floaty tops and waistcoats - Being so busty though - I just can't carry it off so well. (At all!) However now that I'm losing weight and (much to OH's disgust) it's the boobies where the inches are dissapearing from... there is hope for me and my floaty top and waistcoat combo yet ;)

  3. Started humming the theme tune as I read your title. I always wanted to be on the prairie. Nice frock, don't forget it's sewing day on Friday this could be just the project? After those gorgeous bags this would be a doddle!

  4. Lovely dress - and I always wanted to be Laura, right from when I first read the books, before I even saw the tv series and then I wanted it even more!


Hi there fellow copy and pasters ...or should that be copiers and pasters ... or ... no, what we are basically trying to say is: "Hello. Thanks for leaving us a message"... or should that be "Hello. If you are *about to leave a message* thanks in advance" ??? Errr ... thanks ... for everything...