
Thursday 24 June 2010

Illustration mini-series (Pt.3) :: Lauren Child

If you’ve been reading Copy+Paste for a while, you may well have picked up on the fact that Julie and I are big fans of Lauren Child. It’s been mentioned enough times that I almost didn’t include her in my list of illustrators this week but, in the end (like Charlie and Lola) I was absolutely too smitten to resist the temptation.

I first read Lauren Child thanks to a Clarice Bean book which landed on my desk when I was working for a children’s magazine. From the cover in, I loved it. Of everyone featured here this week, Lauren Child is probably my favourite writer (I’m not prepared to play favourites on the illustration front). Her distinctive voice, as well as the clever typesetting . . . well, let’s just say I swing between being insanely inspired and pig-sick jealous, depending on what day it is.

Despite her instantly-recognisable style, I also have the utmost admiration for the diversity of her books – from funny and ingenious picture books like Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad, Book? to the wordier world of Clarice Bean; from a beautifully illustrated take on Pippi Longstocking to re-telling The Princess and the Pea in art and photographs. When you’re as successful as Lauren Child, it would be all to easy to rest on your laurels or stick to what you know, which makes it all the more inspiring that she’s doing the very opposite.

Have I eulogised enough? Most probably. You get the point, though - it's love. Truthfully? She had me at 'I Will Never Not Ever Eat A Tomato'.



  1. That Princess and the Pea looks very intriguing. It was one of my favourite tales as a child, and I love the illustrations mixed with the mini-furniture. Oh, the furniture :)

  2. I adore Lauren Child too. I am a primary school teacher and our class have been looking at her illustrations.I created a 3D display of the princess (and the pea) standing on the ladder of her 4 poster bed. I will post a pic on my blog if I have one.

  3. There would have been at least a one woman protest if you hadn't included her :P Yay! Thank you for this post and am so pleased to read that you get jealous of other artists too. Is that shallow of me to have that please me muchly? I don't care!

    I haven't seen her Princess and the Pea book - must add that to my list.

  4. Oh, I just love Lauren Child too!! And I hate to admit that I'm just possibly, firmly, in the "pig-sick with jealousy" category.....!! I'm really enjoying the illustration mini series, thanks so much~ Blessings from a warm and sunny Ireland!

  5. Oh I feel so nostalgic now - I used to run a children's book reviewing company on the net and you have stirred so many happy memories, of the reading, the looking, the authors, the illustrators, the children...why did I stop...very long story, happy beginning, sadder ending but they are all living happily ever after.

    Lauren Child's mix of drawings and collage made way for a new genre in illustration but was the First of its Kind.

  6. Wow, I never realised how versatile she really was. Lola and Charlie are some of my favourite books, and I read Clarice Bean with some reluctant readers in year 5 who don't always pick up on the subtlties but are completely drawn in by the interactivity of the text and the voice of Clarice.

    Must find copies of that Princess and the pea. Great post, thanks!


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