
Monday 21 June 2010

I'd Like To Copy : Children's illustrators

I don’t know about you, but I’ve really been enjoying the inspiration-themed ‘I’d Like to Copy...’ posts we’ve been featuring over the last few months. When Julie writes one, I sit here feeling as inspired as (hopefully) you do, albeit in a smug, I-knew-she-was-planning-it kind of fashion. When it’s my turn to post, I really enjoy taking the time to review, appreciate and then share some of the things I love most.

So, a few weeks ago, I decided my list of ‘I’d Like To Copy…’ ideas was running a little thin, and set about topping it up. A dozen or so names later, over half of them belonging to children’s illustrators, I realised two things:

1. I really am quite obsessed, and

2. This might make a fun mini-series.

In the interests of disclosure, I should probably admit to a certain bias when it comes to this subject. I spend roughly half my working days writing books for children, and many more hours reading them, but I promise not to bend your ear too much over the next few days. It’s really just a happy excuse to post lots of wonderful images, in the hope you find them as inspiring as I do. If you end up discovering a new artist, rediscovering a favourite author or heading off to stock up your bookshelves, so much the better. And if you’re moved to share any of those things with a favourite child, you might just thrill me into complete silence.

Check back tomorrow for the first illustrator in the series, and then daily until Saturday for the remainder.




  1. I love children's books or books for younger readers. I love books in general but sometimes, I get tired of reading books with sex scenes, death, or being a responsible adult.

  2. *happy clappy dance* You are such a TEASE Kirsty! Can't wait, I too love childrens books and quite often buy ones for the girls purely because I love the illustrations. Of course then they have to live on Mummy's shelf so they don't get ruined :P And in the end get referred to as Mummy's books that we are allowed to read *g*

  3. What a wonderful idea. I collect Children's books, both old and new (going back over well over 100 for my oldest)and some illustrations are wonderful.


Hi there fellow copy and pasters ...or should that be copiers and pasters ... or ... no, what we are basically trying to say is: "Hello. Thanks for leaving us a message"... or should that be "Hello. If you are *about to leave a message* thanks in advance" ??? Errr ... thanks ... for everything...