
Friday 7 May 2010

So, tell us ....

... what are you like?

It's still early in the party so, right now, you might not be ... how can I put this politely? .... you might not be as warmed up, relaxed and in the mood to tell all as you might be by the time we're a little tired and emotional when the party ends on Sunday night!

But really, which things, unique to you, are you willing to share? Because we'd love to know about you!

We thought it'd be fun to see:
  • who is the typical Copy+Paster,
  • or even if there's a typical Copy+Paster [although our money's on 'No'!]
  • something we may have in common and
  • the areas where we differ.

We could say it's for sociological or demographic purposes but really ... it's because we're nosey and we can't wait to sit down with our party food and read about the little foibles, idiosyncrasies and snippets that make you - our readers and friends - 'you'.

OK then, here goes, make yourself at home and start filling in some blanks:

  1. Everyone knows that I ....but you'd never guess that ..........
  2. I'm proud to admit that I like ....... but my guilty pleasure is ....
  3. I'm inspired by ........and it surprises me when ....
  4. I'm always ...........but I'm never ..............................
  5. I've got lots of ..............but I've always wanted ............
  6. I tried to .............. and it ..............................
  7. If I never ............... it will be ...................................
  8. I didn't ................ and now ......................
  9. It's not that I ................. but I'd really rather ................
  10. Doing ......... makes me ...................
  11. Someone once told me ............and then ................
  12. I'm happy to say that .... and even ...................

So now what? Well ...

  1. choose any of the above; you could carefully pick out a a single one or go all out and dare to answer them all;
  2. copy and paste them [!] to your chosen platform eg: your blog, Twitter, Flickr etc and post your answers for us all to see;
  3. then draw our attention to it by leaving us a comment with a link to your responses.

One of our favourite things that came from the fortnight of online workshops we held last year was how the '12 Days' students formed their own friendly community. To this day I still see evidence of it when reading through comments on their individual blogs and spotting familiar friendly faces amongst them.

With that in mind, if you get a chance to leave a comment on a few of each others' responses and maybe even make a few new friends too that would be your equivalent of a birthday/anniversary gift to Kirsty and I. We'd be really happy knowing that Copy + Paste continued to bring likeminded people together!

We'll be getting down to filling in the blanks ourselves later in the week but, until then, I'll leave you with this photo .... [just so you don't think I'm going to ask you to reveal potentially embarrassing things about yourself without me sharing something equally as cringeworthy .....]In my defence ... I was actually trying to recover from a stumble in order to keep myself out of the snow ... and no, for the record, I had not been drinking!

Right then, you can stop laughing at me now and get on with filling in your own blanks please!

J x



    I did the questions - I loved them!

    Thanks for the freebie too - I am going to use them 2morrow!


  2. So, I've arrived at the party (bottle in hand) and I'm ready to mingle :)

  3. I've just shambled in, late as usual, trying to cobble together enough neurons... it's been a long week! Anyhow-

  4. Happy, happy, birthday you two.

  5. I decided to pick one, and ramble on about it for awhile :)

  6. Thanks for a thought-provoking post idea, I don't often do this sort of thing on my blog, but here is the link to it

  7. I've posted my answers, they may bore people, but I've done them! Wahoo

  8. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Copy & Paste, Happy Birthday tooooo yooooouuuuu!!!!

    Have had a go at the questions, they were really cool.
    There here:


  9. Lol - having completed a 'maths audit' for uni last week, I am in no mood to answer many questions. I stuck with one!

  10. This was fun, revealing some silly facts about myself (and maybe even a photo). Here's my answers:

    I'm off to go and read other people's!

  11. Hi! I just found your blog yesterday and I'm looking forward to having a good nosey around. Thanks for the freebies and the inspiration.

  12. That was fun - I just posted whatever popped into my head! Off to have a look at other people's.

  13. Still partying? I've put off the hangover to do my questions here:

  14. I'm working my way through your guests slowly but methodically. Your questions prompted me to do some much-needed blogging, thanks for the kick up the backside :)

  15. Finally did mine :) They are here

  16. Hello! Somewhat belatedly, I have posted mine too.I enjoyed this:


Hi there fellow copy and pasters ...or should that be copiers and pasters ... or ... no, what we are basically trying to say is: "Hello. Thanks for leaving us a message"... or should that be "Hello. If you are *about to leave a message* thanks in advance" ??? Errr ... thanks ... for everything...