
Sunday 9 May 2010

Julie :: The's a long story...

Hello again!

Let me tell you a tale about ......
I can assure you that there is a very good explanation as to why I've recently found myself drawing a dinosaur who's wearing a cape and rollerskates .......
Not that it will make much more sense but hey, let's give it a try, shall we?

One morning on Twitter Kirsty mentioned that she quite fancied getting or making herself a cape. As a cold-blooded person myself I thoroughly supported the notion ... with one caviat:

"Will you be able to move in it or will it give you velociraptor arms?"

You know the kind ...
She replied that the particular cape she'd been looking at probably wouldn't give her the appearance of the aforementioned creature. But I thought that that was just part wishful thinking and part denial .... dinosaurs were a sore point with her as she was right in the middle of the [mammoth?] task of illustrating a book full of them!

Earlier that morning I'd Tweeted about how I thought I should have one of these suits:

I'm the type of person who often finds herself bashing herself, falling over and generally bouncing off hard surfaces so, at first glance you may not see the logic in my argument but .... thinking was .......

........ that the addition of one of those suits would mean that, in future, whichever way I stumbled, tripped and fell ... I'd always land on one of my wheels and thus avoid injury!

You see? Perfect deductive logic! Not such a crazy-life-shortening plan after all!

Now this is the bit where Kirsty's inventive genius comes in .... as she suggested I combine everything we'd been tweeting into one single majestic, wheeled, warmly attired entity forever here after to be known as ......

The Velocirollercape!Then, a few weeks later I decided to get my neglected drawing pad and pencils out and settled down to create the chimera you see before you.

Eat our creative dust Jurassic Park!

If you fancy the prospect of having this kind of inspiration thrown at you on Twitter then the following might be if use to you:

However I shouldjust give you a heads-up ... after we'd been discussing velociraptors on Twitter we both got a new follower who obviously had been searching for his own name.....

As unlikely as this sounds ... there's actually a velociraptor with its very own Twitter account, I swear!

Seemingly, if his tweets are anything to go by @_velociraptor likes nothing better than hiding in the long grass, drinking coffee and leaping out on unsuspecting twitterers who speak his name .....

Ah ... just when you thought you'd heard it all eh?

OK then, you're now at the end of this post, thank you and well done! Stick around later today for post in which Kirsty will reveal how something I did inspired her .....



  1. I showed the video to my son - he thinks Jean-Yves Blondeau is pretty cool!
    So is your Velocirollercape creature! Great illustration and a fab story.
    What a fun Post! Why did I never find your blog before yesterday?
    Thanks for the smiles to brighten our Sunday!

  2. I can see him as a cult hero, a mixture of.... strong, fast, but safety conscious.. (hence the helmet) with a touch of sartorial elegance.

  3. (Just so you know, this isn't a word I use lightly.) That is *awesome*. I need to see more illustrations please :)


Hi there fellow copy and pasters ...or should that be copiers and pasters ... or ... no, what we are basically trying to say is: "Hello. Thanks for leaving us a message"... or should that be "Hello. If you are *about to leave a message* thanks in advance" ??? Errr ... thanks ... for everything...