
Saturday 8 May 2010

Julie: I've been copying - Desigual bags

I love the Spanish fashion brand Desigual, I find it so creative and inventive that to date it's influenced three separate crafting projects of mine.

First was a scrapbooking page featuring the wonder of my Desigual skirt, followed by a greeting card inspired by my partner's Desigual trousers ... while today it's their eclectic range of bags which has been inspiring me.

When I spotted these bags in store there was only one thing stopping me sprinting to the till to buy them ... their price tag, at something like £60:00 it certainly made me pause to think.

And whiler I truly loved them [I even did that whole circling-around-and-around-the-display-trying-to-justify-the-cost type manouvre] ......

... I finally left the shop declaring "I could make something like that!"

So I did ......

*Paste* My starting point was a canvas tote which was free with some promotional thing at work!

Then, I managed to intercept some threadbare jeans my partner was throwing out, cut off the legs and stitched the rest in place around the bag. I used a combination of machine stitching - for strength and hand stitching - for decoration: I kept the flies in working order and now they're part of a useful working pocket: Some of my favourite [saved-for-best] fabrics decorate the handles - inside and out:I trimmed a pocket with some lovely Webster's Pages fabric ribbon, the colour test strip from one of my fabrics and some decoarative brads:
I found a pack of 12 crocheted coasters in a £1 shop and experimented on it with some heat transfer dyes left over from a class given by Efemera Ink, to create this focal point: And had great fun adding a bit of retro bling with these studs!I'm so pleased with the end result! However it actually might not be the end as I can see myself altering and adding to it forever!

So there it is - my own take on a Desigual design .... which hardly cost me a penny!

And ... seeing as how I have something I'm happy with but which didn't cost me a thing ... I'm going to pay it forward ....

I'm giving away:
  • one brand new, plain canvas bag
  • pieces of the fabrics I used [I'll even go and track down those denim legs I've got stashed somewhere]
  • a crocheted coaster and
  • a variety of embellishments

... so that one of you can create your own bespoke tote too.

All you need to do is leave me a comment below making it clear you want to win!

The closing date for entries is 23:00 [BST] on Sunday 16th May and the winner - chosen at random - will be announced ASAP afterwards.

Thanks for reading,

Julie :)


  1. love the bag and thanks for a chance to win
    chrissy o

  2. You know what? I actually like your bag better than the "originals"!! It is really fabulous - amazing what you can do when you really, really want something but can't afford it! And you're right - you could carry on adding bits here and there, perhaps replacing some bits you're tired of, or that get a bit worn.

    I know a wonderful young lady who would love to have a bag like this (my niece). I'd love to win the prize and make one for her birthday at the end of the month. Please count me in!

  3. OOooh, I've just got my stitch on for the first time in ages...and would love a project like that for next! And is that an F I spy? Perfect as my surname begins with F :)

  4. Oh my! I'm loving the eclectic styling and the way you've made over something that might otherwise have been stashed in a cupboard getting dusty.

    How much would I love to win this? Lots!

  5. Oh yes ! yes! yes! I would love to win!!
    Your bag is gorgeous and so is the Desigual one but I would also find the justification for that price!
    Love what you have done!

  6. Stunning bag, one to add to the 2 fat quarters and a fat half bag you made earlier. Could this be a new career path. As much as I'd love to own a bag like this I really don't think my sewing skills would do it justice so I won't enter this draw but thanks for asking.

  7. I would love to win ... I designed a tote on vistaprint many moons ago and still use it ... never thought of sewing one

  8. ASAP, ASAP, that clear enough? It's got my name on it!
    My first thought was...what did she do with the legs? :)
    Me, myself and I are all over this.

  9. Just discovered your fabulous world from The Pink Couch and I love it!!
    Fantastic idea with the bag...your touches are amazing! LOvE the chance to make one for myself...fingers and toes crossed!
    xOxO Nerina

  10. What a stunning bag Julie & yes I would love to win. You inspired me to rescue my sewing machine a few weeks ago & its itching for a new project, so either way I'm going to have a go at one of these ... now where did I put those ripped jeans with unusual pockets??


  11. Oh wow, now that I'm hella inspired from the above two posts I am really hoping to copy a Desigual bag too, these materials would come so in handy if I were to win!

  12. Oooh I love the bag, it's lush, I would love to win the bits to make one myself. That bag has inspired me to have a go at some sewing myself.

  13. I just love your version Julie and I think it looks better than the orignal and I'm sure that didn't feature the flies masquarading as a pocket. I'd love to win you always have great taste when it comes to fabrics.

  14. ME please!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to win. I've been enjoying the weekend as well. Great birthday party.

  15. Now that's a project after my own heart if ever I saw one! I have a pair of elaborately customised student days circulation-cutting-off dancing all night stylee skinny jeans, with all manner of sequins beads and sparkles already attached to them (I never have known where to stop) which would be just PERFECT for this. :o)

  16. I love the fabric inside and outside of the handles - lovely details.

    I'd very much like the chance to play around with fabric and denim and bags, so please add me to your random draw. Thanks!

  17. My sewing machine has just been given it's own space on the workbench in my newly designed (OK - cleaned up and sorted) craft room. This is JUST the sort of project it's crying out to be allowed to do!

  18. Pick me, pick me, please pick me. I would LOVE to win this! The tote is awesome and it would be so cool to make one of my own.


  19. *gasp* I've never heard of Desigual but then at those prices... I can see why ;)

    Your bag is every bit as fabulous as the ones you coveted in fact - for the pure genius factor of the use of flies... probably more fabulous :P Just love it!

  20. make it clear I want to win huh? How's this:


    Does that work!??!? I love your bag!!!!

  21. That is wonderful and I must have a go!
    And yes, I'd love to win because now I'm feeling inspired.

  22. What a gorgeous bag! Would love to win it. You have done a fantastic job :)

  23. Oh lawks! Too late to enter and I would have LOVED to have been in with a chance of winning. I adore embellishing things. And all the lovely things you've done are very inspirational.

  24. I didn't win, but I had to have a go anyway. I still want to add some bling and fancy bits, but here is my bag:


Hi there fellow copy and pasters ...or should that be copiers and pasters ... or ... no, what we are basically trying to say is: "Hello. Thanks for leaving us a message"... or should that be "Hello. If you are *about to leave a message* thanks in advance" ??? Errr ... thanks ... for everything...