
Friday 7 May 2010

The Challenge (and why we ♥ Papercraft Inspirations)

So, we wanted to find a special way for you to join in our weekend of celebrating – something practical and creative to sit alongside all the inspiration and eye-candy. Rather than setting a general ‘make something and post us a link’ challenge, we were after specifics. It took a little head-scratching, but this is what we came up with.

The Copy+Paste party printables are free for you to download and use as many times as you like. It’s a bit like a going-home party bag or a wedding favour, but with added competitive goodness. The built-in C+P-ness of the download comes from the combination of my drawings with patterns from Julie’s fabulous 365: Chasing Patterns project. If you want even more of the patterns, you can find and avail yourself of them here in her beautifully organised Flickr set.

The printables themselves consist of two sheets filled with colourful, patterned images – including cake, party hats, balloons and a mix-tape – and two sheets of the same images in plain old black and white. Your challenge for the weekend is to download and then create something using as many or as few of the printable images as you like. Which of them you use and how is entirely up to you. Make a card, embellish a scrapbook layout, try some embroidery, print onto shrink plastic, use to decorate a mini-book – whatever your brilliant, creative brain dreams up!

Once you’ve made it, take a picture, and post either to our Flickr group, or to your blog or online gallery if you don’t have a Flickr account. Leave us a link in the comments below so we know where to find it, and then sit back and cross your fingers very tightly.

Why? Because we have an utterly marvellous prize for one lucky weekend-challenge winner.

Over the next couple of months, both Julie and I have projects lined up to appear in Papercraft Inspirations, and I think it would be safe to say that we’ve both enjoyed writing for the magazine every bit as much as we enjoy reading it. Which is why we were doubly thrilled when editor-extraordinaire, Jenny Dixon, offered to sponsor our weekend challenge. The challenge winner will receive a year’s free subscription to Papercraft Inspirations which, I might have already mentioned is pretty spectacularly, utterly marvellous. Jenny and PI, we take our party hats off to you!

Ready to take up the challenge? You can download the printable sheets by clicking the links below and, although we’d love for you to join in over the course of the weekend, we’re being generous and giving you a whole week to put your entry together. Just make sure you post pictures in the Flickr group, or leave a comment and link below by 23:00 [BST] on Sunday 16th May.

If you need any extra tips, Julie's first Papercraft Inspirations feature, all about scrapbooking for card-makers, is in the issue which goes on sale this coming Monday, and it's almost as spectacular as our PI prize.

[Download printable page 1]

[Download printable page 2]

[Download printable page 3]

[Download printable page 4]


  1. Loving the printables. Happy birthday C & P x

  2. Hey guys, I've downloaded the printables{yummo}but I am having trouble getting them to print. I feel like I am part of the groundhog movie!

  3. Just wanted you to know that my hubby figured it out for me.

  4. So glad you extended the party over the week as I was unavailable at the weekend and was going to come spray everyone with cold custard if you looked like you were having to much fun without me :P However extend you did and play I can so you are all safe *g*

    Love these printables - thank you so much - they very much remind me of Lauren Child - goddess that she is!

    This post on it's own sums up why I totally love you guys!

  5. (I post a link here, right?)

    Well, I'm behind a project called Fertility Flower. That's not the point of this, but what IS relevant is that in the last few weeks, I've taken our logo and crafted it into other things - photographed it and used it as our FB avatar.

    Given the above challenge, I have used the printouts in this week's logo remake.


  6. I just realized that I didn't write down the link to put in here!!! I also just realized that instead of going through all the OLDER POST clicking I could have just used your list to the right! Anyways I put 5 photos into flickr group. I So enjoyed the BD printables.

  7. I very much enjoyed this and loved the images. Here's a link to what I came up with. Thanks for a great weekend of inspiration!

    Hope that works.


  8. I finally took part :P Here's my make *g* loved playing with the images ;)

  9. Me again, just to give you a change of blog link - the previous blog isn't working that well:

    Ta x

  10. Thanks for the images and the cahnce to win. My cards are HERE

  11. Thanks for the printables - lovely! Just in time for my sil's 50th birthday card too:


Hi there fellow copy and pasters ...or should that be copiers and pasters ... or ... no, what we are basically trying to say is: "Hello. Thanks for leaving us a message"... or should that be "Hello. If you are *about to leave a message* thanks in advance" ??? Errr ... thanks ... for everything...