
Wednesday 24 February 2010

I'd Like To Copy : Dinosaurs

One of my current work projects is a non-fiction book about dinosaurs. A couple of weeks in, I can confidently pronounce dolichorynchops, know why a quetzalcoatlus is called a quetzalcoatlus and hazard a good guess at what gallimimus would’ve eaten for dinner last night were it not for that pesky comet. According to Julie, I also have the power to give people ‘arms like a velociraptor’, but that’s a tweet for another day.

For now, I’ve taken a little creative inspiration from the slightly less visual side of my job and gathered up a few fun, dino-inspired images. With two small nephews who are just learning what a brontosaurus is (was?), it’s a fairly safe bet they’ll be handy for reference long after the book is done, dusted and sitting on their shelves.


  1. The nerdosaurus is superb! I'd love to see him on a wall in my house, sigh…

  2. Could I get my cat into that dogosaurus jumper? Me thinks not without a fight, but the pooch sure looks damn cute! Jen x

  3. Love that elsie image. I grew up near here:

    so I can totally relate :)

    Looking forward to seeing the book. I knnow a certain little girl who will drag me to the nearest bookshop...

  4. Just wanted to say hello as you posted one of my images ( the dinosaur on top of the ice cream stand). Also, you posted the photo on my birthday! Cool blog/website. All my best.

  5. Why do the names of dinosaurs are so difficult to pronounce. I hardly even know the names of modern animals and those are the only ones I can pronounce well.


Hi there fellow copy and pasters ...or should that be copiers and pasters ... or ... no, what we are basically trying to say is: "Hello. Thanks for leaving us a message"... or should that be "Hello. If you are *about to leave a message* thanks in advance" ??? Errr ... thanks ... for everything...