
Friday 29 January 2010

I'd Like To Copy: Corrina Rothwell

I discovered the work of Corrina Rothwell in one of my favourite galleries in York and I immediately fell for her combination of illustration and humour.

I really admire the way she commits to expressing a single idea within her drawings. Their direct simplicity really appeals to me and her words make me smile.
For further examples of Corrina Rothwell's art see both her website and her blog .

Her work makes me want to reconnect with my pencils and pens which, these days, often get overlooked when I first consider creating something. I think the last time I did use pencil on a project it was for the PostSecret challenge we did here on Copy + Paste last summer in which I confessed to wanting to write comedy. Perhaps drawing hands have a direct link to funny bones?

Maybe I need to dust off my pencils [or even crack open my lovely new ProMarkers] and put my funny-head on.

Funny head. Not funny face. There is a difference.



  1. Mmm, Promarkers. Another testament to my "I must buy those and I'll use them lots and lots and be really arty". They're great, but I don't do any more drawing than I used to. Would love to see yours though :)

  2. How very lovely to stumble upon these kind words about my work! When I say stumble, what I mean is I was vainly Googling myself....Am impressed you have Marc Johns on here too, just discovered him recently and I think his work is fabulous.
    Thank you Julie and have a nice day!

  3. Who says people vainly Googling never hear good of themselves? And you're very welcome. I love your work - and, after saying I ought to get my pencils out, I have actually done some drawing today! :D


Hi there fellow copy and pasters ...or should that be copiers and pasters ... or ... no, what we are basically trying to say is: "Hello. Thanks for leaving us a message"... or should that be "Hello. If you are *about to leave a message* thanks in advance" ??? Errr ... thanks ... for everything...