
Tuesday 13 October 2009

6. The Twelve Days of Christmas

I know, I know, I know.

It's only October and already we're mentioning the 'C' word but bear with us ... there is a good reason ... which we'll tell you all about soon. Until then here's a little early festivity.


The Twelve Days of Christmas

The slight preoccupation with Christmas we're having at chez Copy + Paste may explain how, last week, I mislaid November. After being given a November deadline I couldn't remember precisely when that was. My first response was to wonder why on earth they were giving me a whole year to hand something in ... I mean ...I'm really not that slow a worker.

I've since learned that there's a November sooner than that. Apparently there's one next month. Good to know!

So now I've got that straight in my head ...back to the Twelve Days of Christmas.

*Paste*: Julie's project =
I thought that I'd take the opportunity to share some random [and some very random] photographs from my albums which kind of, mostly, almost-ish fit in with the lyrics of The Twelve Days of Christmas. And so ...

On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me:
My true love really did give me the gifts surrounding me here .... but for some reason my expression suggests that I've just been caught looting! [Christmas morning 2008]

Twelve drummers drumming: for the life of me I can't find a single photo in my archives which even vaguely suggest drummers drumming. Please accept this photo of sheep in the road as an alternative:
In a car. Behind some sheep. [July 08]

Eleven pipers piping:They may well be trombone / trumpety things rather than pipes but hey ...whatever .... they're Disney counts. [Disney World Florida 1988]

Ten lords-a-leaping: To be more precise, it's my other half [June 2008] on a kids' trampoline ... but that doesn't sound quite as grand as leaping lords.

Nine ladies dancing:
There may only be five of us but hey ....we've got the moves of all nine!! However it's quite possible that four of those ladies will never speak to me again after showing you this. Appropriately enough I'm the one covering my face. [New Year 1997]

Eight maids-a-milking:Perhaps I won't bother with the whole milking thing. If I looked this startled making it's acquaintance from the front ... can imagine me introducing myself to it's udders???? [Farm open-day, April 09].

Seven swans-a-swimming:

I know there aren't any swans swimming in there but we don't get too many swans in the North Sea . What did you expect? [Aug 09]

Six geese-a-laying:

Some geese are larger than others. [Egg-shaped things on hearth, Oct 09]

Five gold rings:Yes, there's only one ... but it is a rather nice one. [Newby Hall Sculpture Trail, June 09]

Four calling birds:

[Mantlepiece, Oct 09]

Three French hens:OK, so I fully accept that they're not hens, they're cats and they're probably not French either but ...there are three of them and they make me smile. [Newby Hall, June 09].

Two turtle doves:
Me and my big sis. [2007]

And a partridge in a pear tree:

Partridge / dodo. Pear tree / TV table. It's all the same to me. [Living room, July 09] .


Well then, there you have it my friends, a 12-stop sleigh ride through my photo albums old and new. Are you feeling Christmassy yet?

If not, I blame myself ... maybe pot birds, sheep and trampolines aren't the most festive of images. Maybe Kirsty's take on the Twelve Days of Christmas, coming very soon, will help you kick start the merriment and if that doesn't work ....

.... keep dropping in on us as we've got 12 truly festive things on the way which I promise will get you in the mood.

Until then feel free to share any of your Twelve Days related photos, art works etc old and new.

See you very soon,

Julie :)


  1. How did I miss this being posted? I've only just finshed the last challenge! Oh!

    Love the sneaky reference to The Smiths. Going to have that tune in my head when I'm trying to get to sleep later - with new lyrics :)

  2. Love those cats! I'm working on an Advent calendar at the moment, but wanted to make a 12 days of christmas countdown calendar last year... made the plan and everything. Maybe 2010?

  3. Hey, Is
    ? happy happies.

  4. it's a nice idea, but i think you were trying to force square pegs into round holes.

  5. HAHAHAHAHA! You were really looting weren't you? Far to neat and tidy to have just opened them up - still you are definitely the best dressed burglar I've seen... ok... the ONLY burglar I've seen ;)


Hi there fellow copy and pasters ...or should that be copiers and pasters ... or ... no, what we are basically trying to say is: "Hello. Thanks for leaving us a message"... or should that be "Hello. If you are *about to leave a message* thanks in advance" ??? Errr ... thanks ... for everything...