
Sunday 30 August 2009

5. A Flawed Work of Art.

*Copy*: This time round we've been copying and pasting with some Snow Patrol song lyrics:

"It's a mess. It's a start. It's a flawed work of art."
Take Back The City - Snow Patrol
*Paste* : Julie's project =
I recently came into possession of several long lengths of picture framing from a company who were closing down and I'd already asked my Dad [a joiner] if he'd instruct me in the way of the picture frame at some point in the future.

But I'm impatient.

And imperfect.

And I liked the thought of using the lengths of frame to create my own 'flawed work of art' - a rather wonky notice board:

I sawed into the wooden length with only a [very] vague regard for mitres, joints and angles:

I gave the whole thing several coats of white emulsion paint before sanding some back to reveal the original paint colour and the wood beneath. I added splashes of colour via yellow and peach glazes [which are actually a dimensional gelly fabric paints] and some coral non-glittery-glitter [don't know what the correct name for it is!]. As usual, I couldn't resist adding some text to my project - so I used 7Gypsies rub-ons to re-create the lyrics around my frame.

Some craft cork glued to plywood completed my new, flawed, space to pin all those vital nippets of bits and things that seem to gravitate toward me.


Well then, that's how I've interpreted the lyrics, now what do they say to you?

  • Have you got a flawed work of art you'd feel brave enough to share?

  • How about a photograph of a flawed work?

  • Is there something you've already made but maybe not quite finished or it didn't turn out quite how you wanted? Could you frame it / put it on display anyway despite its flaws?

  • The original Snow Patrol lyrics [as far as I know] are referring to the city of Belfast, so maybe there's a city which you love and appreciate beyond it's faults.

  • If you're feeling especially brave you could take a self portrait / scrap a photo of yourself - I know I consider myself to be 'a mess, a start, a flawed work of art'! I think it's a really positive attitude to have: an ego-boost thrown in with a healthy bit of realism and the idea that this is only the beginning ....

[For all you fans of Miss Neale, have no fear, she'll be along soon with her own flawed work of art. Sometimes Copy + Paste projects are like buses wait ages for one ....then two come along at once!!]

Whatever you decide to do - do, do,do let us know. We love seeing how you copy and paste your ideas into such a variety of projects, which is precisely what we wanted to create with this blog.

As always you can leave us a message and / or a link to your response in the comments below and there's always The Copy +Paste Flickr group which lives to have your works of art dropped into it every now and again. Flawed or not.

Julie :)


  1. Nice one!! Belfast is absolutely one of the best places in the world. To live in it is to love it!

  2. Oh wow.. easy-peasy! I have just the thing for this challenge residing on my wall right now. It's a set of three paintings/die-cut butterfly collages which looked so much better in my imagination than in real life. I've just plonked it into the Flickr group, it's here:

  3. Regular frames are going to seem boring after this! though what your father will say.....

  4. How did I miss this post? Snow Patrol is my 8yr old dd's favourite band - she is obsessed with them and I was lucky enough to win 2 tickets to an intimate gig at the Apple Store in London earlier in the year. Lets just say I was Best Mum in the WORLD for that night at least ;) This!

    I'm wondering the same as Cazza - what did your Daddy Dearest say? :D

  5. Finally managed to sit down and make what was in my head. Yay!


Hi there fellow copy and pasters ...or should that be copiers and pasters ... or ... no, what we are basically trying to say is: "Hello. Thanks for leaving us a message"... or should that be "Hello. If you are *about to leave a message* thanks in advance" ??? Errr ... thanks ... for everything...