
Thursday 25 June 2009

Yellow: Part 2

Unlike Julie, I’m a very recent convert to the cult of yellow. For a long time, I could be counted among those active-dislikers she mentioned, and it was one of the few colours I avoided at all costs. But then, somehow, over the last six months or so, I’ve had to admit to a sneaking, grudging and now blossoming admiration. I still tend towards the green-ish or mustard ends of the yellow scale, but I’m definitely getting braver. 

Exhibit A:

Amy Butler's fabulously retro mid-century modern prints lured me into making this lap-quilt for my yellow-loving Grandma.  

Then, thanks to a vintage button kit from Kitschy Digitals and a delicious piece of charcoal grey fabric, I took my first for-keeps trip to yellowsville.

Ball rolling? I think so. Clash-tastic yellow and orange prints plus Banana Frog stamps combined forces to make a set of mini-magnets.

I even sneaked a little bit into my guest-post for Shimelle’s Month of Colour. 

And then, just like Julie, I was sunk. New home, plus new-found colour obsession has seen the yellow creeping through my front door, too.

Exhibit B:

vintage glass bowl, teamed with just a hint of yellow in my current favourite Etsy print. Small splashes like this are an easy way to start.

But it's a slippery slope. Yellow cushion covers? Check.

Yellow wallpaper and folder-buttons on my laptop? Oh, yes! 

How about two whole acid-yellow chairs? Those are a work in progress, a job for me and Mr Allen-Key over the weekend, but you can see a little splash of the colour here behind a pile of sunny-hued books.  

(And, yes, my taste in books is a little catholic, thanks for noticing.)

So, the big question is, what’s in all this custard-coloured loveliness for you? Apart from (hopefully) a bit of inspo to try some yellow out for yourself, I’ve got two appropriately-coloured giveaways to offer up. That’s on top of the stuff Julie and Amy have already posted, so there’s no reason not to enter again if you’re so inclined. First of all, some cuff-ish goodness. 

Yummy, raw-edged fabric, lace and embroidery, fastened with a matching button and a tiny scrap of stretchy elastic to make it size-adjustable.

Or maybe you’d prefer Little Yellow?   

Pen and ink drawing, with fabric and embroidery-thread detail, around 14x20cm in size, and ready for you to frame any way you like (the cute Kitschy Digitals frame is just for fancying-it-up-online purposes).

All you need to do if you want to win one or the other, is leave a comment below, letting me know which you’d prefer. I’ll pick two winners at random next Wednesday, 1st July. If you want to link me up to any yellow yumminess you’ve spied on your travels, that would be fun, too.

Don’t bother mentioning this little bit of amazing, though.

Seen it. Love it. Already added it to the list.



  1. LOVE Little Yellow. And I'm a definite recent convert to yellow. Only worn on my daughter though, as I just don't have the skin tone. Ooh now that's a lie - I've just spotted some on the top I'm wearing.
    And I know the first post NEVER gets picked. But then I never win blog giveaways either. Humph.

  2. Little Yellow wants to come and live in my house!

    Did you know Mimosa is the colour of the year 2009? ( It's also part of my address (no further detail - don't want stalkers knowing where I live ha ha!)

  3. My kitchen is BRIGHT yellow. I nagged my partner for the whole 7 years we have been together until finally he caved. And now. Think Little Britain. I don't like it! *g* Don't tell him for goodness sake - it's SO bright you need shades just to go get your coffee in the morning!

    I think moderation and accessories is def the way to go ;)

    So a couple of things... please, please, please tell me where and how you got your desktop buttons. I want, I want, I want (in purple)

    My daughter has that London Eye book - she said it was fabby.

    I think everyone is wrong - Little Yellow wants to come play with the duckies ;)

    ...although the cuff is rather scrumy too.

  4. Yellow and grey is one of my favourite colour combinations (and my art teacher told me that it was unacceptable and gave me a C instead of a Distinction!!!! - what does he know?)

    Those desktop buttons are way too cute.

    Both your giveaways are very happy and I'd feel extremely excited with either. :)

    Off to find some yellow inspiration.

  5. I've been a fan of yellow for some time now. My room was ALAYS pink growing up, SO ,when i went away to coolege guess what color I chose as my base...
    you got it,

    I love the cuff, but am not a wearer of them, but I adore Little Yellow.

  6. i love your little print! she's such a cutey! also love the journal.

  7. Nothing but good can come from the color of lemons, butter and sunshine!

    I love how you embellished that wonderful journal and the gloves!

    My desktop icons are little felt monsters, but I MUST know where you found the amazing buttons! Love it!

    Little Yellow would be so welcomed and loved in my home. I ♥ her.

  8. I was never a big fan of yellow (makes me look jaundiced) until my daughter at age 3 declared yellow as her FAVEorite colour! She would flip for that yellow artwork in her room....and if I wore that yellow cuff. I know I'm supposed to list a preference....but we'd love to give either one a good home! Thanks for the giveaway and the colour inspiration!

  9. I'd LOVE Little Yellow, she is so adorable! I'm not usually a yellow fan, but I've seen a lot of it around the craft blogs lately, I'm starting to change my mind... And your post has helped a lot :)

  10. Little yellow is gorgeous, the cuff is gorgeous - how am I supposed to decide?!!!

    I like yellow - but from afar. I'm not that brave with it in my real, actual life.

  11. Oh, I really love Little Yellow. She's beautiful! I'd always been a yellow hater too but have become a yellow lover over the last year. It's so strange how your taste can be influenced by fashion. I have a lovely mustard tiled fireplace in my living room and want to accessorise with mustard cushions etc but have yet to convince my other half unfortunately. Give him time - he'll come round eventually... I hope!

  12. I always said that I didn't like yellow and was then reminded that I have a yellow bedroom, a yellow coat and yellow shoes. Hmmm? I even favourited this little lovely on Polyvore the other day. (Only go looking when you have a spare afternoon - it's digital scrapbooking for window shopaholics!)

  13. Must I choose? Yellow is divine - and perfect for summer...

    Little Yellow is cute and cheeky, but the cuff would be just for me.

    I pick the cuff.


  14. hello, where did you get those great button icons? :)

  15. I'm a huge yellow fan (as I'm sitting here in my sunshiney yellow kitchen). Love both giveaways, but I think I'm partial to the cuff. The drawing is lovely and would be adorable in a little girl's room.


Hi there fellow copy and pasters ...or should that be copiers and pasters ... or ... no, what we are basically trying to say is: "Hello. Thanks for leaving us a message"... or should that be "Hello. If you are *about to leave a message* thanks in advance" ??? Errr ... thanks ... for everything...