
Wednesday 25 August 2010

I've Been Copying: myself and tape measures.

Hi all. How are you?

Sorry we've not been around much, just catching up on some average summertime business. Like breaks away, dodging rain and crafting projects [crafts are for life ... even when on holiday!].

If you've been a reader of my blog for a while now you might recognise this belt which made a year ago:

Tape Measure belt 1

[You can click on the photo to be taken to the original post].
If you're not familiar with it at all, or if you'd forgotten all about it, then that's where you differ from one of my friends who [jokingly] informed me last week that - one year on - he was still waiting for me to make him one as he'd liked mine so much!
So, despite being entirely oblivious to this fact, in the interests of our friendship .;-) ... I made him this one of his very own:

Tape measure belt

He was very happy with it and it's left me hooked on belts again. Win win!

Tape measure belt

I'm also hooked on tape measures:

Vintage tape measures

But then again, there's nover a time when I'm not hooked on tape measures! Do you know what I mean? I think / hope some of you will .... [I know you will at least Hannah!]

Do you, like me, have an almost inexplicable fondness for them? To me, it's a similar feeling to that desire to have far more notebooks than I really need.

Vintage tape measures

There's just something so handsome and attractive about them and their simplicity:

Vintage tape measures

All of which is wrapped up in that headiest of attibutes: their potential!

Whether you're going to use them to help you measure and make something else ... or just use them for their own beautiful qualities .... they really are an alluring item .... aren't they?

Yes. They are! I'm sure of it!

Which is why I bought these three from a carboot sale last week!

Vintage tape measures

And just as soon as I can find some suitable buckles I'll definitely be harnessing their full potential!

So come on now. Fess up. You're a secret tape-measure fancier too.... aren't you .....?

Julie ;-)